Why people Fail online
by:Guru Prasad
Most of the people come online with the thoughts of getting rich quick…They get the GET RICH QUICK virus whits is quite contagious.
To get rid of that virus, you neeed to implement your knowledge,hard work and the right mindset. Learn from others mistakes,understand why they have failed online, so that you can avoid making mistakes. When you do any mistakes try to learn from it.
Here are the top three reasons why most people fail online:
1) Don't have the money to start, or don't want to spend it!
When you do any offline business, there are certain circumstances where you need to pay money so that you can succeed. Similarly for online business too, you need to invest or else you can make money nowhere.
A list of what you need is:
A great web-host (this is the lifeline of your business)
A good follow up system (autoresponders)
Knowledge (if you have to buy into a membership or course to
learn what it takes to build your business then do it)
You have to spend some money on advertising..(eZine advertising,
Pay-Per-Click or whatever)
(Just make sure you do your reasearch on what your fixing to join
or purchase!)
2)They give up before it get's going!
This one happens all the time.People come online with a new get rich quick scheme after another. Then they think that this will make them rich soon. Then if they come to know about another new scheme, they jump to this scheme.
This keeps going for awhile, untill they get so frustrated that
they just give up and say it's impossible to make money online!
One of the reasons is that most people lack persistence and the
ability to hang in there when the going gets tough. If you lack
persistence, you will have a tough time making it online!
Here is a list of ways to help give your business a boost!
Do joint ventures with other marketers to grow your business.
Join forums, offer your help to people, get joint venture
partners(just don't spam the boards)
Follow the steps of someone who is already successful online!
Don't be afraid to make a mistake online, we've all made
mistakes, and will continue to, just make sure you learn from
Start an affiliate program!
Make sure you collect the names of your visitors and follow up
with them.
3) Lack of knowledge
Knowledge is power. This is true. If you want to earn money online, learn about everything and increase your knowledge, and finally put your knowledge in to action.
all I can say is..learn, learn, learn!
Want to be a guru? then do
what the gurus did...Work for it, give it all you got and learn
all you can and NEVER EVER give up!!